
Perspectives on Places offers commentary and critique of contemporary landscape photography and a broader discussion of landscape representation. It is edited by Jesse A P Alexander, educator, writer and practitioner, and author of Perspectives on Place: Theory & Practice in Landscape Photography, which is published by Bloomsbury. Perspectives on Places aim to extend the book’s discourse and continue to explore exciting new and historic landscape photography and debates.

If you are an artist, photographer, writer or researcher,  and would like to share your work on Perspectives on Place, please submit up to 12 images, maximum  1000 px wide with a description of the work and an artists statement not exceeding 500 words. Please fit all content into one e-mail and send to mail[at]jessealexander.co.uk

Writing: If you would like to publish your own reviews or articles (500 – 1,500 words), please send them along with at least one image which you have obtained relevant permissions for.